
Russia x Reader - Overburdened

Deviation Actions

FrozenCrystalRose's avatar

Literature Text

    A loud beeping sound filled your ears and you groaned in protest. You cracked open one eye and tried to turn around to glare at the alarm clock on your side, however, a tight grip around your waist tightened even more as Ivan made a noise of discontentment.

    "Turn off the alarm clock подсолнечник, before I break it." Your Russian husband said, nuzzling his large nose on your head.

    "I can't. You're holding me too tightly." You muttered in return. Ivan sighed and one arm disappeared as he reached for something under his pillow. He pulled out his pipe and reached over your body, smashing the alarm clock.

    "Problem solved." He yawned and returned the pipe beneath his pillow. He then closed his eyes again and pulled you closer.

    "Not again. Ivan, how many alarm clocks has that been this month?" You sighed. You managed to pry Ivan's arm off of you and sat up. Ivan made another unhappy noise that you quickly silenced with a quick kiss on his cheek. "Time to wake up. You'll be late." You glanced at the window and frowned at the snowstorm raging outside your window. "General Winter is kicking up a storm." You noted to your half-asleep husband. The personification of Russia sat up and looked at the window nonchalantly. He could see the snowstorm from the small crack in between the blinds.

    "Oh." He muttered, placing his feet down on the ground. "I wish it was summer, then I could see all the sunflowers."

    "Just a few more months." You grinned. "Who's showering first?"

    "Do you want to go first, подсолнечник?" Ivan asked as he walked towards the window and opened up the blinds. "Because I can wait." 

    "What about breakfast?" You asked and Ivan stopped and thought for a bit.

    "Who's making breakfast today?"

    "I don't know. Do you want to?"

    "I can if you'd like." He offered with a sweet smile. "And you can shower while I do that, da?" You hummed in agreement as you got off the bed and wrapped your arms around your Russian husband who was still looking out the window.

    "Do you have a lot of meetings today?" You asked as he turned around and enveloped you easily in his large arms.

    "Да." He said. "A lot of them. How about you?"

    "Just two. I think I'll be done all of them by lunch." You said as you pulled away and walked towards the closet.

    "Alright then. I'll be making breakfast, подсолнечник." Ivan muttered. You nodded before grabbing something professional looking from your closet before making your way towards the bathroom. The personification of Russia made his way out of the room to make breakfast as you shut the bathroom door. You quickly began your usual routine of freshening up.

    As you finished up, you opened the door and walked out. However, as you began to do so, you found yourself crashing into your husband's chest.

    "Be careful there, подсолнечник." Ivan chuckled as he leaned down slightly to look you in the eyes. "You can just ask for a hug instead of bumping into me." And then proceeded to wrap his arms around you. 

    "I didn't mean to!" You protested but wrapped your arms around the man anyways. "You should go get ready." You muttered.

    "I know." He sighed, nuzzling his nose into your hair. "But I like holding you."

    "Ivan, you'll be late." You chided, pushing him away gently. The man chuckled and his violet eyes locked with your (e/c) ones. 

    "Fine then, подсолнечник." Ivan said, entering the washroom. "Don't eat breakfast without me, да?"

    "Da." You replied in a teasing tone. "I'm going to make the bed first anyways." He nodded. A few minutes later, after making the bed, you went to your office and made sure you had everything for the meetings ready. You lost track of how long you were there as you grabbed papers.

    "подсолнечник?" Ivan called out as he entered to room, wrapping his scarf around his neck. "What are you doing?"

    "Making sure all my notes are here. Did you need me for something?" You asked as you straightened out your sheets and placed them neatly off to the side.

    "Нет." He replied as he leaned over your shoulder to take a glance at what was on the paper. "Trades?"

    "Yeah, I have to discuss how my trade with America is going." Ivan made a face at the mention of the American.

    "I don't like it. You should stop trade with him, да?"

    "Ivan," You sighed. "You know I can't do that. America is a good partner to trade with."

    "He's in a lot of debt." Ivan pointed out and you rolled your eyes.

    "I know that, but I've been trading with him for a while now and plus, he's still my friend."

    "Well you have me." Ivan said, giving you a smile. "You don't need Америка to help you with your economy."

    "I need him to help me." You sighed, rubbing the sides of your temple. Headaches seemed more often since your economy began falling.

    "You're looking for help in the wrong place, подсолнечник. Remember, he's in debt." He gave a small victorious smile. "Serves him right. But I'd much rather see his face get bashed in by my pipe~"

    "Yeah, but because of that, my economy is also going down." You grumbled, ignoring Ivan's last sentence and dropping your arms back down on the table. Ivan's violet eyes watched you carefully as he frowned.

    "Are you feeling alright, подсолнечник? You do not seem well."

    "Mild headache." You grinned at your husband. "It's alright, honest. It's to be expected with my economy."

    "Is there something I can do?" He asked. "Do you need me to convince your boss to give you a day off again?" You grimaced at the sound of that. That event made your last boss freak out and always on edge whenever they came near Ivan.

    "No, really, Ivan, I'm fine." You said.

    "It's been happening more often, подсолнечник." Ivan muttered, placing one large hand over your smaller forehead. "Well you aren't burning up, so that's good. Is it the weather? Have you been spending too much time outside?"

    "I don't think so." You said. "I mean I'm pretty used to the weather now. Like I said, it's the economy." Ivan frowned for a few more seconds before he smiled.

    "Well then we should do something about that. I don't like seeing you sick, 

    "I know you don't." You said after placing the papers down. "I'm sorry that my country's not doing as well as it -"

Нет, it's not your fault, подсолнечник." He said. "I should be doing something more." You laughed and began to walk out of the room.

    "You're already doing all you can." You grinned. "Let's go and eat breakfast now, I'm starving." Ivan returned the smile and followed you out into the hallway of the large, empty mansion. You got into the dining room and took a seat beside your husband. "So what's new at work?"

    "Nothing interesting." Ivan said before glancing outside. He gave a small frown. "Aw, I'm going to have to shovel the snow." You knew how big the driveway was and you winced.

    "I'll help." You stated, your tone firm. The intimidating personification gave you a look that would make most people cower in fear. Most. You no longer classified as one of them after getting well acquainted with the Russian.

Нетyou're already sick." Ivan said, standing up. "I can do it alone, подсолнечник."

    "I don't care if you can do it alone!" You retorted, also standing up. "I can help! See, I'll help you right now!"

    "You'll be late for your meeting." He pointed out, walking up to you. He gave you a smile and placed a hand on the top of your head. This was one of times when you seriously envied his height. "It's better if only I am late. I'm scarier than you." You saw the brief flash of loneliness cross his face before he smiled again. "You, my little 
подсолнечник, are not as scary. That means that your boss will yell at you even more."

    "What kind of excuse is that, Ivan?" You teased, pushing off his hand and running to the closet that held your coat. "Go ahead and finish your breakfast! I'll eat my breakfast for lunch!" Immediately, you grabbed your favourite coat and threw it on. Then you grabbed the scarf, hat, and mittens that Ivan's older sister, Yekaterina Braginskaya otherwise nicknamed 'Katyusha", had knitted for you. She seemed pretty okay with your relationship with Ivan. Although Natalya was a different story. Unlike the personification of Ukraine who had come to terms to your marriage with Ivan, the personification of Belarus was very upset, to say the least.

    Unfortunately, your country, although it had gone through wars, depended on its alliances more since it was weaker. Your marriage to the personification of Russia was something that some people in your government had argued on. Some wanted you to marry England and some wanted you to marry Germany. The two main people though were China and America. China because of his growing economy and the way yours was falling. America due to his military power and your lack of one. 

    Despite everything, you had married Ivan. Only a few people wanted you to marry Russia. As you wrapped the scarf around your neck, you felt someone place your hat on your head. Looking up from your thoughts, you grinned at the sight of your husband helping you bundle up. He was sweeter than people took him to be.

    "We'll do it together." He said with a childish grin. "At least we can play in the snow now!"

    "Yeah." You agreed, laughing at your husband's childishness.

    "And then maybe we can get Latvia and let him freeze outside!" He was still smiling.

    "Yea - Wait, what? Of course not!" You exclaimed. His smile went from childish to something darker in a matter of seconds; a kolkolkolkolkol sound reached your ears. You knew that this was one of those moments. You also knew that whenever he became like this, you had to tread carefully.

    The personification's rage was quite destructive and sadistic when it did happen. It wasn't to say that he couldn't control it. Oh no, in front of you, he did his best to do so, unfortunately, the personality that had arisen out of his bloody history proved to be stronger than his willpower and he lost his temper, sometimes to terrible extents. At that time, it was when you had to be on your guard for the mentally cracked man could rage at anyone.

    "Come on, Ivan, we should get started." Without giving him time to reply, you reached out and grabbed his gloved hands, beginning to pull him along.

    Opening the door, you were met with a furious storm and immediately you were pushed back as the harsh winds whipped your face. Ivan shut the door behind him before stepping out in front of you. 

    "Be careful, подсолнечник, the wind is strong." He said with a smile still on his face, no trace of anger on his face. "General Winter is being very mean today. So stay behind me." He was not wearing a hat yet he was able to face the cold easier than you could. You followed him blindly, unable to see in the snow. You felt a hand reach out and grab your own gloved one. "Perhaps you should have stayed inside today." Ivan commented. You shook your head, wrapping your fingers around his large hand.

    "Where are we going?" You shouted over the storm.

    "We need to get the shovels from the garage." He replied, pulling you along this time. "We can't shovel snow without shovels." The strong country grasped the handle of the large garage door and easily pulled it open. "Hurry, get the shovels, we don't want snow getting into the garage." You nodded, rushing in and grabbing two snow shovels. As you got back out, he shut the garage and grabbed the larger of the two shovels from you.

    "Let's hurry." You said, beginning to shovel the snow.

    "Don't try to hard, подсолнечник." Russia warned with that always-present childish smile capable of rendering countries unable to speak. "We don't want you strain yourself to much and get hurt, do we?"

    "Don't worry about me, Ivan." You returned the smile, not the least intimidated by it. "Let's just do this and do this quick!" He glanced around, looking at the large driveway before making a face.

    "I should get us a snow-blower." He muttered. "It would be much easier to do this."

    "I told you to do that." You reminded him as you continued to shovel the snow. "But, no, you didn't want to."

    "Shovels have helped me before!" He argued. "I've used them plenty of times in the past!"

    "What's the point of using them when we have technology?"

    "Sometimes it's best not to use technology!"

    "Sure." You nodded with a grin. "Whatever you say." Through the snow, you were unable to see Ivan's face, but had you been able to see it, you would have seen his happiness at having another human being not scared of his intimidating nature.

    It was a good hour or so before you finished the large drive way. You realized that you were indeed late for your meeting by thirty minutes, meaning your boss would definitely yell at you.

    "Do you want me to talk to him?" Ivan had asked but you had shook your head.

    "Thank you, but I can handle it." You told him. 

    Now here you were, sitting in your chair and wincing mentally as your boss yelled at you.

    "Do you know how late you are?" She demanded. "Thirty minutes! Thirty!"
    "I'm sorry." You apologized. "The snow here in Russia is getting worse, I had to help Ivan shovel the snow."

    "Another reason why you shouldn't have married him." One man muttered and in return, you sent a scalding glare which the man ignored. However, he did keep his silence.

    "Well I certainly could not leave him to shovel alone!" You said with a challenging glare. "And what if -"

    "Let's just down to business." Your boss announced before tensions could rise higher. You nodded, rubbing a temple.

    "I apologize. The economy's getting worse." You muttered. "It's really dampening my mood."

    "We're all on edge." The man who had insulted your marriage to Russia agreed. "Because of the financial crisis."

    "As long as it doesn't get any worse." You muttered and your boss exchanged a look with someone else.

    "Actually, there's something we need to tell you." She said, almost hesitantly. You knew that it would not be good news.

Time skip

подсолнечник, are you alright?" The Russian asked, shaking you slightly. You cracked open an eye.

    "Sorry, what?" You mumbled, pushing yourself up on your elbows.

    "I came home and you weren't answering me." He said, eyes wide in worry. "I thought you left me like everyone else."

    "How many decades has it been, two? Three? And you still think I'll leave you?" You asked, letting yourself fall down again. Your head pounded like you had a hangover and every small movement made you extremely dizzy. You let out a small groan and turned on your side. The Russian frowned, taking off his glove and feeling your head.

    "подсолнечник, you're burning up!" He exclaimed, scowling. "черт побери, I knew I shouldn't have let you help me!" You made no move to reply, feeling way too dizzy to do anything. "(F/n), answer me!"

    "Not right now, Ivan." You begged. "Not now. I can't, my head hurts too much." He was silent.

    "Did something happen to your economy?" He asked. "Kolkolkolkolkolkol. I'll do something about it."

    "It's fine, Ivan. My government is already doing as much as they can." You groaned again. "Until then, I've been excused from work for two weeks." Ivan was silent before smiling slightly.


Time skip - 2 days later

"Ivan." You muttered, sleepily. "It's late." You muttered as you turned to glance at the clock. The Russian climbed into bed, looking ready to fall asleep.

    "I know." He muttered, wrapping his arms around you and closing his eyes. "Go back to sleep, you need it. You won't be this sick for much longer." He promised.

    "Why are you sleeping so late?" You asked, looking up at his tired face.

    "Work, подсолнечник." He replied, burying his face into your hair. "Just go to sleep." You listened to him, deciding that you would confront him tomorrow.

    The following morning you woke up to the sound of things crashing. You stood up on shaky legs and walked out of the room.

    "Ivan?" You called out, bracing yourself on the wall for support. "Are you okay?"

    "What do you mean there's a problem!?" You heard Ivan snap in a dangerous tone. The signature kolkolkolkolkol could be heard from where you were standing.

    "Sir, I was told to -"

    "Well then tell them they don't have a choice!" Ivan's voice had become childishly dangerous. "Because if they don't, they can always meet Mr. Pipe. He likes making new friends~"

    "But sir - "

    "We're helping them no matter what we have to do. You can argue with Mr. Pipe if you want. Like I said, he does love meeting new people~"

    "Y - Yes sir! I'll tell them right away!" The man hurried out of your shared office and ran down the stairs without giving you a second glance. You opened the door hesitantly.

    "Ivan?" His tired, frustrated eyes shot up to meet your (e/c) ones. Immediately, he blinked the anger away and replaced it with a worried glint.

    "(F/n)? What are you doing up?" He asked, standing up and walking over to you. "You should be in bed still."

    "What was that all about?" You asked and he shook his head.

    "Nothing that concerns you right now." He said. "Go back to bed before I make you." He threatened and you rolled your eyes.

    "Fine, I'm going." You placed two fingers on your temple as you had been doing often this week, wincing at the sudden onslaught of pain. "Don't sleep too late tonight, okay?" He nodded.

    "Да." He said it with a sweet smile that you could see right through. He didn't mean to keep the promise.

    "I'm serious, Ivan!"

    "Да." He replied again, glancing at the clock. "I put your breakfast on your bedside, I have to go to work. Пока, подсолнечника." He gave you a kiss on the forehead before striding out the door. You made your way back to your room before collapsing on your bed again. You were going back to sleep, you needed it.

Time skip - 1 week later

    When you opened your eyes, you realized you felt better than you had for weeks. You were surprised at that. You remembered going to bed in the afternoon and having fitful hours of sleep in between painful headaches.

    Getting out of bed, you realized that the Russian had made your breakfast again. Eating it, you got out of bed and quickly got ready before going down to your computer. You emailed your boss quickly, telling her how you were feeling better. What you got in reply was:

We're having a meeting at what would be 11:00 am in your current timezone. Please attend.

Confused, you checked the time, noting it was 10:30 am. You quickly prepared yourself for the meeting and by 10:55 am, you were prepared to attend. When the message came up saying you had a video call, you quickly accepted and were met with a group of smiling government officials.

    "What happened?" You asked and the man who had insulted your marriage to your husband one week ago grinned at you.

    "We received financial aid from Russia!" The man exclaimed. "They're helping us get back on our feet!" Your jaw dropped and you turned to your boss.

    "Are you serious?" You asked and she nodded.

    "We were surprised when Russia himself called us for a video chat, telling us to send a representative in your place to attend meetings to help our financial problem." Your boss smiled.

    "I didn't expect him to - I didn't - How did he - When did he - ?" You stammered out.

    "Why don't you ask him that?" She suggested. "Besides, you still have a few more days to recuperate, so please get as much rest as possible!"

    You nodded and a few more things were discussed before you finished the meeting. As soon as you were free, you got up and ran to get dressed. You had someone you had to thank.

Time skip

You knocked on the door of your husband's office, grinning at the strange looks you received from people passing by you. Some recognized you as the personification of Russia's wife and the secretary had immediately recoiled at the sight of you and asked whether you wanted him to call Russia down for you. You had told him that it was a surprise visit and to not tell Russia you were here. He was more than happy to not call the Russian personification.

    There was a moment of silence. "I'm busy!" Ivan snapped. "Don't come in!" You hesitated but opened it anyways. Ivan turned to glare at you before stopping, blinking at you in confusion.

    "Too busy even for me?" You asked. Taking a good look at your husband, you noted things you did not while you were sick. He had dark bags beneath his eyes, his posture spoke of tension as if he was on edge and he seemed extremely tired in general.

    "What are you doing here? You should be at home, resting!" He said, standing up. You laughed and rushed to him, grabbing him in a hug.

    "Thank you so much." You mumbled, hugging him tighter. "Thank you so so much." He immediately returned the hug. "You shouldn't have gone through all that just for me! That's what all those nights staying up late, those extra meetings and those extra paperwork were all about, wasn't it?" When he didn't reply, you pulled away to look at him. "You shouldn't have! You already have so much to do without worrying about me! Honestly, Ivan, I'm a less significant country than you. What I do doesn't have that much of an impact on many countries, you, however are different!" You reached up and carefully stroked the bags underneath his closed eyes. "Don't drive yourself insane over me." 

    "подсолнечник," He muttered, opening his violet eyes. "Of course I would do it for you, who told you I wouldn't? Because I'll definitely let them meet Mr. Pipe. Kolkolkolkolkolkolkolkolkolkol." You laughed and he pulled you into a hug again.

    "Thank you." You mumbled once more and he grinned.

    "Can we play in the snow later?" He asked, childishly and you nodded.

    "Of course!" You teased and he grinned. As he continued to hug you, he noticed the groups of people staring through the open door with wide open mouths. They were obviously surprised to see the mentally cracked nation hugging someone with such care and affection. Whispers began to erupt and despite his gaze on them, they were all rooted on the spot. He glared. How dare they ruin such a moment?


Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia! All rights go to Hidekaz Himaruya. 

This was requested by: :iconsayaikari: and :iconemily-blair:

Russia's adorable <3 Russia (Says Hi) [V2]  I feel like he's out of character though xD It's hard to try to capture his childishness and his yandere side so yeah ^_^ It was hard to get him down, I was stuck on how to make a mentally unstable character even more unstable xD This was the best I could come up with, sorry it's not as good as it should be! I wanted to get it up as soon as possible!

On that note, sorry for the long wait! There's been 2 contests I've entered and I wanted to put my all into the contest so I had to focus on them! And they are the first two angst stories I've ever posted and I'm glad that I was able to get so many people to cry! Thank you to my watchers who read those stories even though they aren't a part of this series of one-shots!

Also, starting now, I'll be tagging people to update them on their requests, but I probably will still comment, telling them that their request is up!

Like I've said before, the Russian used in this will all be from Google Translate. Please correct me on any mistakes you find!

подсолнечник (Russian) - Sunflower
Да (Russian) - Yes
Нет (Russian) - No
Америка (Russian) - America
черт побери (Russian) - Dammit
Пока, подсолнечника (Russian) - Bye, sunflower

Haven't read the intro?:
Intro: Hetalia x Reader - Overburdened

Other stories in this series:
Norway: Norway x Reader - Overburdened
Japan: Japan x Reader - Overburdened
Turkey: Turkey x Reader - Overburdened
England: England x Reader - Overburdened
Canada: Canada x Reader - Overburdened
China: China x Reader - Overburdened
America:  America x Reader - Overburdened
Germany: Germany x Reader - Overburdened
Russia: You are here!
Sweden: Sweden x Reader - Overburdened
South Italy (Romano): Romano x Reader - Overburdened
© 2015 - 2024 FrozenCrystalRose
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moongoddesspadme1917's avatar

Is there a way this fic?